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CVonline: Image Databases

  1. 2008 MICCAI MS Lesion Segmentation Challenge (National Institutes of Health Blueprint for Neuroscience Research) [Before 28/12/19]
  2. ASU DR-AutoCC Data - a Multiple-Instance Learning feature space for a diabetic retinopathy classification dataset (Ragav Venkatesan, Parag Chandakkar, Baoxin Li - Arizona State University) [Before 28/12/19]
  3. Aberystwyth Leaf Evaluation Dataset - Timelapse plant images with hand marked up leaf-level segmentations for some time steps, and biological data from plant sacrifice. (Bell, Jonathan; Dee, Hannah M.) [Before 28/12/19]
  4. ADP: Atlas of Digital Pathology - 17,668 histological patch images extracted from 100 slides annotated with up to 57 hierarchical tissue types (HTTs) from different organs - the aim is to provide training data for supervised multi-label learning of tissue types in a digitized whole slide image (Hosseini, Chan, Tse, Tang, Deng, Norouzi, Rowsell, Plataniotis, Damaskinos) [14/1/20]
  5. Annotated Spine CT Database for Benchmarking of Vertebrae Localization, 125 patients, 242 scans (Ben Glockern) [Before 28/12/19]
  6. Bone Texture Characterization for Osteoporosis Diagnosis - Textured images from the bone microarchitecture of osteoporotic and healthy subjects show a high degree of similarity, thus drastically increasing the difficulty of classifying such textures (Hospital of Orleans - France (Rachid Jennane)) [28/12/2020]
  7. BRATS - the identification and segmentation of tumor structures in multiparametric magnetic resonance images of the brain (TU Munchen etc.) [Before 28/12/19]
  8. Breast Ultrasound Dataset B - 2D Breast Ultrasound Images with 53 malignant lesions and 110 benign lesions. (UDIAT Diagnostic Centre, M.H. Yap, R. Marti) [Before 28/12/19]
  9. Calgary-Campinas Public Brain MR Dataset: T1-weighted brain MRI volumes acquired in 359 subjects on scanners from three different vendors (GE, Philips, and Siemens) and at two magnetic field strengths (1.5 T and 3 T). The scans correspond to older adult subjects. (Souza, Roberto, Oeslle Lucena, Julia Garrafa, David Gobbi, Marina Saluzzi, Simone Appenzeller, Leticia Rittner, Richard Frayne, and Roberto Lotufo) [Before 28/12/19]
  10. CAMEL colorectal adenoma dataset - image-level labels for weakly supervised learning containing 177 whole slide images (156 contain adenoma) gathered and labeled by pathologists (Song and Wang) [29/12/19]
  11. ChestX-Det - chest X-Ray dataset with instance-level annotations, including instance-level annotations of 13 categories of disease/abnormality of 3,578 images (Deepwise AI Lab) [26/12/2020]
  12. CheXpert - a large dataset of chest X-rays and competition for automated chest x-ray interpretation, which features uncertainty labels and radiologist-labeled reference standard evaluation sets (Irvin, Rajpurkar et al) [Before 28/12/19]
  13. Cholec80: 80 gallbladder laparoscopic videos annotated with phase and tool information. (Andru Putra Twinanda) [Before 28/12/19]
  14. CRCHistoPhenotypes - Labeled Cell Nuclei Data - colorectal cancer?histology images?consisting of nearly 30,000 dotted nuclei with over 22,000 labeled with the cell type (Rajpoot + Sirinukunwattana) [Before 28/12/19]
  15. Cavy Action Dataset - 16 sequences with 640 x 480 resolutions recorded at 7.5 frames per second (fps) with approximately 31621506 frames in total (272 GB) of interacting cavies (guinea pig) (Al-Raziqi and Denzler) [Before 28/12/19]
  16. Cell Tracking Challenge Datasets - 2D/3D time-lapse video sequences with ground truth(Ma et al., Bioinformatics 30:1609-1617, 2014) [Before 28/12/19]
  17. Computed Tomography Emphysema Database (Lauge Sorensen) [Before 28/12/19]
  18. COPD Machine Learning Dataset - A collection of feature datasets derived from lung computed tomography (CT) images, which can be used in diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The images in this database are weakly labeled, i.e. per image, a diagnosis(COPD or no COPD) is given, but it is not known which parts of the lungs are affected. Furthermore, the images were acquired at different sites and with different scanners. These problems are related to two learning scenarios in machine learning, namely multiple instance learning or weakly supervised learning, and transfer learning or domain adaptation. (Veronika Cheplygina, Isabel Pino Pena, Jesper Holst Pedersen, David A. Lynch, Lauge S., Marleen de Bruijne) [Before 28/12/19]
  19. CREMI: MICCAI 2016 Challenge - 6 volumes of electron microscopy of neural tissue,neuron and synapse segmentation, synaptic partner annotation. (Jan Funke, Stephan Saalfeld, Srini Turaga, Davi Bock, Eric Perlman) [Before 28/12/19]
  20. CRIM13 Caltech Resident-Intruder Mouse dataset - 237 10 minute videos (25 fps) annotated with actions (13 classes) (Burgos-Artizzu, Dollar, Lin, Anderson and Perona) [Before 28/12/19]
  21. CVC colon DB - annotated video sequences of colonoscopy video. It contains 15 short colonoscopy sequences, coming from 15 different studies. In each sequence one polyp is shown. (Bernal, Sanchez, Vilarino) [Before 28/12/19]
  22. Diabetic Foot Ulcers Classification Datasets - training data for diabetic foot ulcer classification (Goyal, Reeves, Davison, Rajbhandari, Spragg, Yap) [30/12/2020]
  23. Diabetic Foot Ulcers Object Detection Dataset - training data for diabetic foot ulcer detection (Cassidy, Reeves, Joseph, Gillespie, O'Shea, Rajbhandari, Maiya, Frank, Boulton, Armstrong, Najafi, Wu, Yap) [30/12/2020]
  24. DIADEM: Digital Reconstruction of Axonal and Dendritic Morphology Competition (Allen Institute for Brain Science et al) [Before 28/12/19]
  25. DIARETDB1 - Standard Diabetic Retinopathy Database (Lappeenranta Univ of Technology) [Before 28/12/19]
  26. DRIVE: Digital Retinal Images for Vessel Extraction (Univ of Utrecht) [Before 28/12/19]
  27. DeformIt 2.0 - Image Data Augmentation Tool: Simulate novel images with ground truth segmentations from a single image-segmentation pair (Brian Booth and Ghassan Hamarneh) [Before 28/12/19]
  28. Deformable Image Registration Lab dataset - for objective and rigrorous evaluation of deformable image registration (DIR) spatial accuracy performance. (Richard Castillo et al.) [Before 28/12/19]
  29. DERMOFIT Skin Cancer Dataset - 1300 lesions from 10 classes captured under identical controlled conditions. Lesion segmentation masks are included (Fisher, Rees, Aldridge, Ballerini, et al) [Before 28/12/19]
  30. Dermoscopy images (Eric Ehrsam) [Before 28/12/19]
  31. EATMINT (Emotional Awareness Tools for Mediated INTeraction) database - The EATMINT database contains multi-modal and multi-user recordings of affect and social behaviors in a collaborative setting. (Guillaume Chanel, Gaelle Molinari, Thierry Pun, Mireille Betrancourt) [Before 28/12/19]
  32. EPT29.This database contains 4842 images of 1613 specimens of 29 taxa of EPTs:(Tom etc.) [Before 28/12/19]
  33. EyePACS - retinal image database is comprised of over 3 million retinal images of diverse populations with various degrees of diabetic retinopathy (EyePACS) [Before 28/12/19]
  34. FIRE Fundus Image Registration Dataset - 134 retinal image pairs and groud truth for registration. (FORTH-ICS) [Before 28/12/19]
  35. FMD - Fluorescence Microscopy Denoising dataset - 12,000 real fluorescence microscopy images (Zhang, Zhu, Nichols, Wang, Zhang, Smith, Howard) [Before 28/12/19]
  36. FocusPath - Focus Quality Assessment for Digital Pathology (Microscopy) Images. 864 image pathes are naturally blurred by 16 levels of out-of-focus lens provided with GT scores of focus levels. (Hosseini, Zhang, Plataniotis) [Before 28/12/19]
  37. Histology Image Collection Library (HICL) - The HICL is a compilation of 3870histopathological images (so far) from various diseases, such as brain cancer,breast cancer and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)-Cervical cancer. (Medical Image and Signal Processing (MEDISP) Lab., Department of BiomedicalEngineering, School of Engineering, University of West Attica) [Before 28/12/19]
  38. Honeybee segmentation dataset - It is a dataset containing positions and orientation angles of hundreds of bees on a 2D surface of honey comb. (Bozek K, Hebert L, Mikheyev AS, Stephesn GJ) [Before 28/12/19]
  39. IIT MBADA mice - Mice behavioral data. FLIR A315, spacial resolution of 320??240px at 30fps, 50x50cm open arena, two experts for three different mice pairs, mice identities. (Italian Inst. of Technology, PAVIS lab) [Before 28/12/19]
  40. Indian Diabetic Retinopathy Image Dataset - This dataset consists of retinal fundus images annotated at pixel-level for lesions associated with Diabetic Retinopathy. Also, it provides the disease severity of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. This dataset is useful for development and evaluation of image analysis algorithms for early detection of diabetic retinopathy. (Prasanna Porwal, Samiksha Pachade, Ravi Kamble, Manesh Kokare, Girish Deshmukh, Vivek Sahasrabuddhe, Fabrice Meriaudeau) [Before 28/12/19]
  41. IRMA(Image retrieval in medical applications) - This collection compiles anonymous radiographs (Deserno TM, Ott B) [Before 28/12/19]
  42. IVDM3Seg - 24 3D multi-modality MRI data sets of at least 7 IVDs of the lower spine, collected from 12 subjects in two different stages (Zheng, Li, Belavy) [Before 28/12/19]
  43. JIGSAWS - JHU-ISI Surgical Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (a surgical activity dataset for human motion modeling, captured using the da Vinci Surgical System from eight surgeons with different levels of skill performing five repetitions of three elementary surgical tasks. It contains: kinematic and video data, plus manual annotations. (Carol Reiley and Balazs Vagvolgyi) [Before 28/12/19]
  44. KID - A capsule endoscopy database for medical decision support (Anastasios Koulaouzidis and Dimitris Iakovidis) [Before 28/12/19]
  45. Leaf Segmentation ChallengeTobacco and arabidopsis plant images (Hanno Scharr, Massimo Minervini, Andreas Fischbach, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris) [Before 28/12/19]
  46. LIDC-IDRI - Lung Image Database Consortium image collection (LIDC-IDRI) consists of diagnostic and lung cancer screening thoracic computed tomography (CT) scans with marked-up annotated lesions. (Before 30/12/19) [Before 28/12/19]
  47. LITS Liver Tumor Segmentation - 130 3D CT scans with segmentations of the liver and liver tumor. Public benchmark with leaderboard at (Patrick Christ) [Before 28/12/19]
  48. Mammographic Image Analysis Homepage - a collection of databases links [Before 28/12/19]
  49. MCC: Melanoma Cancer Cell Dataset - This multitemporal image dataset provides better understanding of the cancer cell migration and anti-migration promoted by specific drugs, classifying in treated and untreated cell, being possible to characterize phenotypic and morphologic drug effects (V. F. Mota) [29/12/2020]
  50. Medical image database - Database of ultrasound images of breast abnormalities with the ground truth. (Prof. Stanislav Makhanov, [Before 28/12/19]
  51. MiniMammographic Database (Mammographic Image Analysis Society) [Before 28/12/19]
  52. MIT CBCL Automated Mouse Behavior Recognition datasets (Nicholas Edelman) [Before 28/12/19]
  53. MitoEM - Two 4096x4096x1000 volumes for mitochondria instance segmentation from electron microscopy (EM) images of brain tissues. (Wei et al., Harvard University) [26/12/2020]
  54. Moth fine-grained recognition - 675 similar classes, 5344 images (Erik Rodner et al) [Before 28/12/19]
  55. Mouse Embryo Tracking Database - cell division event detection (Marcelo Cicconet, Kris Gunsalus) [Before 28/12/19]
  56. MUCIC: Masaryk University Cell Image Collection - 2D/3D synthetic images of cells/tissues for benchmarking(Masaryk University) [Before 28/12/19]
  57. NIH Chest X-ray Dataset - 112,120 X-ray images with disease labels from 30,805 unique patients. (NIH) [Before 28/12/19]
  58. OASIS - Open Access Series of Imaging Studies - 500+ MRI data sets of the brain (Washington University, Harvard University, Biomedical Informatics Research Network) [Before 28/12/19]
  59. Plant Phenotyping Datasets - plant data suitable for plant and leaf detection, segmentation, tracking, and species recognition (M. Minervini, A. Fischbach, H. Scharr, S. A. Tsaftaris) [Before 28/12/19]
  60. RatSI: Rat Social Interaction Dataset - 9 fully annotated (11 class) videos (15 minute, 25 FPS) of two rats interacting socially in a cage (Malte Lorbach, Noldus Information Technology) [Before 28/12/19]
  61. RECOVERY-FA19 - ultra-widefield FA and annotated pixel-wise binary vessel maps that can be used for the development and evaluation of retinal vessel segmentation algorithms (Li Ding et. al) [29/12/2020]
  62. Retinal fundus images - Ground truth of vascular bifurcations and crossovers (Univ of Groningen) [Before 28/12/19]
  63. SARAS endoscopic vision challenge for surgeon action detection - 22,601 annotated training frames with 28,055 action instances from 21 different action classes (Cuzzolin, Singh Bawa, Skarga-Bandurova, Singh) [16/4/20]
  64. SCORHE - 1, 2 and 3 mouse behavior videos, 9 behaviors, (Ghadi H. Salem, et al, NIH) [Before 28/12/19]
  65. SLP (Simultaneously-collected multimodal Lying Pose) - large scale dataset on in-bed poses includes: 2 Data Collection Settings: (a) Hospital setting: 7 participants, and (b) Home setting: 102 participants (29 females, age range: 20-40). 4 Imaging Modalities: RGB (regular webcam), IR (FLIR LWIR camera), DEPTH (Kinect v2) and Pressure Map (Tekscan Pressure Sensing Map). 3 Cover Conditions: uncover, bed sheet, and blanket. Fully labeled poses with 14 joints. (Ostadabbas and Liu) [2/1/20]
  66. SNEMI3D - 3D Segmentation of neurites in EM images [Before 28/12/19]
  67. Spine Dataset - All kinds of spinal images from X-ray to CT and MRI (Shuo Li) [30/12/2020]
  68. STructured Analysis of the Retina - DESCRIPTION(400+ retinal images, with ground truth segmentations and medical annotations) (Before 30/12/19) [Before 28/12/19]
  69. Spine and Cardiac data (Digital Imaging Group of London Ontario, Shuo Li) [Before 28/12/19]
  70. Stonefly9This database contains 3826 images of 773 specimens of 9 taxa of Stoneflies (Tom etc.) [Before 28/12/19]
  71. Synthetic Migrating Cells -Six artificial migrating cells (neutrophils) over 98 time frames, various levels of Gaussian/Poisson noise and different paths characteristics with ground truth. (Dr Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro et al.) [Before 28/12/19]
  72. UBFC-RPPG Dataset - remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) video data and ground truth acquired with a CMS50E transmissive pulse oximeter (Bobbia, Macwan, Benezeth, Mansouri, Dubois) [Before 28/12/19]
  73. Uni Bremen Open, Abdominal Surgery RGB Dataset - Recording of a complete, open, abdominal surgery using a Kinect v2 that was mounted directly above the patient looking down at patient and staff. (Joern Teuber, Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen) [Before 28/12/19]
  74. Univ of Central Florida - DDSM: Digital Database for Screening Mammography (Univ of Central Florida) [Before 28/12/19]
  75. VascuSynth - 120 3D vascular tree like structures with ground truth (Mengliu Zhao, Ghassan Hamarneh) [Before 28/12/19]
  76. VascuSynth - Vascular Synthesizer generates vascular trees in 3D volumes. (Ghassan Hamarneh, Preet Jassi, Mengliu Zhao) [Before 28/12/19]
  77. York Cardiac MRI dataset (Alexander Andreopoulos) [Before 28/12/19]

Referência : CVonline: Image Databases